Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What about your legacy?

"May all who come behind us find us faithful!" Those words ring in my ears today as Senator Ted Kennedy is remembered. I am reminded that despite one's popularity, fame, and even fortune, it is what we leave behind, that speaks the loudest.

Despite what many will say, Senator Ted Kennedy did not leave a positive legacy as it relates to the values and beliefs of a large majority of society. When he entered politics it was as a pro-lifer, however, he was pulled to the other side by fame and fortune.

I am not here to debate about the life of someone. However, it has caused me to reflect on what I am doing now, understanding that this is what will be remembered. There is an album entitled something to the effect of "The line between the two." The meaning is that what really counts is not the day you were born or the day you enter eternity. What really matters is the time that you were alive, (i.e., the line between the two).

May this be an opportunity for you to reflect on the legacy that you will leave behind should Christ tarry. Is what you do each day, impacting the kingdom of God or the kingdom of self? "May all who come behind us find us faithful!"