Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Amazing God

Last night I had the privilege to attend the Pregnancy Care Center of Union County fundraising banquet. What an amazing group of people who truly care about the sacredness of life. The director of the care center here in Union County is a tremendous leader and has such a wonderful heart for this ministry.

I won't take time to share the whole story but we heard the story of what prayer and God can do in the life of a young lady. She not only decided to keep the child but decided to raise the child with the help of her family. Those that helped her come to that decision as well as leading her to Christ are definitely worthy of acknowledgement.

Clearly, God was in control of the situation, and yet, I am reminded once again of the servant heart of those individuals who took of their time and energy to help this young lady and her family out.

We serve an amazing God! And with what I have been preaching on the last two weeks, I must say that you will never know the amazing God we have unless you step out in obedience and follow Him with ALL that you are!

God, thank you for being so amazing, loving, kind, gentle, merciful and gracious! May we never tire of praising You for You are most worthy of our praise!