Friday, November 13, 2009


Psalm 119:32 "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free" (NIV).

When we think of being free, we usually associate it with no boundaries or barriers; those things that keep us hemmed in. However, the Psalmist is very clear that as he follows the commands of God he is free.

Paul tells us that we need to "run the race." Not walk, crawl, or even jog. We are to run. We are to move quickly in the commands of God. We are to obey quickly. My father-in-law has defined obedience as this: "to immediately do all that is asked with the right heart attitude." And when we do obey the Lord, freedom is what we find.

This week we have reflected on those who served and are serving to keep our freedoms secure. When it comes to our relationship with the Lord, do you see yourself as free? Are you running free? If not, my encouragement to you is to "run in the path of your (God's) commands." Allow the Word of God to be your focal point.

Run free today. Don't walk. Don't crawl. Don't slither. Run. Run free in what you do. Run free in your life. Run with total reckless abandon following the running track laid out by God Himself. Remember: following God's commands, all of them, results in freedom!

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