Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Not Over Until It's Over!

It's March and that means NCAA conference tournaments and March Madness! Man, I love this time of year! It's amazing how every year, teams that have not done well during the regular season, somehow put it together and play well against teams that are much higher ranked. I just watch the replay of the last seconds of the Ohio State/Michigan game. With 2.2 seconds left, a player from Ohio State made a 3-point shot from just inside half-court; Ohio State wins!

Despite being down 2 points, those players on the court knew that until the buzzer sounds, the game is not over. No matter what had been done up until that point was irrelevant at the moment. Too focus on the last 39+ minutes would surely result in losing. The focus was on the present and what needed to be done in order to have a chance to win.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we "ARE God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (emphasis mine).

That word "are" means that the game is not over yet. God is still making/working/creating in us to be effective tools for Him. Which means that we still have work to do. For us to focus on the past, whether good, bad or indifferent, is not being focused on what God wants us to be doing right now.

So no matter what has happened in the past, whether yesterday or years ago, God wants us to be focused on the here and now. We should want the ball, figuratively speaking, and do what we can to forward the cause of Christ. It is no secret we live in a world that is overwhelmed by hopelessness. It is our responsibility, privilege and mission to share the hope of Christ with those we come in contact with each day. That is the game we have to play. It is time we get in the game, focus on the present and remember that God doesn't use our past to determine our future.

P.S. - Go Buckeyes!

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