Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Men and the Home

I want to start off by defining a word for you. That word is “responsible”: answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management.

As I think about that word, I know that it comes fully loaded. Sometimes we are “responsible” for someone or something we don’t really want to be “responsible” for. Other times, it just comes with a lot on the plate.

Today, I want to speak to the husbands and fathers. I realize that Father’s Day is still weeks away, however, after a conversation two weeks ago, I have not been able to shake these thoughts.

As husbands and fathers, we are responsible for not only the physical and emotional well-being of our families, but also the spiritual growth of our families. Not only must we seek to see our families grow in their faith but we must also see that growth lived out.

It is crucial that we lead by example. That means our attendance at church, use of our spiritual gifts, devotional life and practical living of our faith if we expect our families to follow suit. No longer can we think that our inconsistency will not be seen or emulated by the rest of our family.

Over the last 2-3 years, much has been discussed and written on the fact that a large percentage of 18-25 year-old's are leaving the church. Depending on who is leading the discussion, many different reasons are given for this. However, I believe one of the greatest reasons for this, is the lack of leadership by husbands and fathers in relation to their own spiritual growth and the effect that has had on the family.

Men, it is time for us to accept the “responsibility” that God has given us and step up to the plate. No longer can we sit idly by and think that our every-once-in-a- while participation will do the trick. Most employers expect 5 straight days of work. And when that does not happen, that job is not ours any longer. In order to be successful at work, consistency is the key. The same is true spiritually when it comes to our families.

Men, get your families to Sunday school, worship services, children and youth meetings and activities, your wife to ladies group and yourself to a men’s group. I believe that no matter what is going on in your life or your family, church and all related activities must be priority.

Let me share with you something very personal. When I was younger I had a drug problem. I was “drug” to church for Sunday school, worship services, children’s church, youth choir, Awana, youth group, and many other activities. I honestly did not appreciate it every time, but you know what? I saw in my parents a love for the Lord that was exemplified in their living. Not once did I see in my father an inconsistency in his relationship with the Lord.

Men, it is time that our families see consistency in us as we take on willingly, the responsibility that He has given us. Whether you like the responsibility or not, is not the issue. You have it, so take it. To do anything less, is falling short of what God has given you to do.

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