Saturday, May 22, 2010

Know HIM More!

As you can see I have changed some aspects of my blog. Yeh, I didn't really need to, but sometimes change is a good thing. I am praying that these changes will challenge you to want to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ.

Paul, a great Christ-follower, wasn't concerned about what others thought of him or any praise of men. Paul was solely concerned with knowing Christ more. Why? It's simple: Paul not only understood the sacrifice that Christ had made for him, but he also realized that the ONLY response to that sacrifice was a life sold out for Christ.

Take time right now to read Philippians 3:1-15. Really, open your Bible and read those 15 verses.

You just read that Paul didn't even consider his own heritage something worth having. He counted it all as "rubbish" (ESV). It was worthless, something that should be thrown in the trash and never seen of again. That is EXACTLY what Paul thought of the stuff that could have gained him prestige and honor.

No, instead, he was striving for the knowledge of, comprehension of and application of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection. Paul wanted to know what enabled him to be a Christ-follower as he came to know that it was simply by grace through faith that he had what he did have and knew where his eternity would be spent.

Last week I was asked about why people weren't coming to church. My answer: ultimately it is not about the excuses we give, it is ultimately about the fact that we don't appreciate the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, we don't want to know Him more, and show Him how much what He did for us means to us!

So what does this mean for me?

Well, you must decide whether or not you truly, deeply, honestly appreciate the sacrifice Christ made for you and the home He is making for you right now. If it is important and does mean something to you, then you will count everything as loss to know Christ. You will be setting aside yourself (your goals, dreams, passions, desires, and wants) to get to know Christ more.

"But what does that look like in my life?" It will find you:
> In church for Sunday school, worship service, Bible study, and small groups
> In the Word of God on a daily basis
> In prayer seeking out the will of God in every matter
> In praise for ALL that He has done for you
> In search of opportunities to share the love and hope of Christ
> In love with God so much so that you are overflowing with JOY

Well, there it is. There is what we are to be about. As Paul said, "press on toward the prize. . ." (Phil. 3:14). Press on and know HIM more!

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