Friday, April 24, 2009

A Servant Heart

Over the last 12 hours I have been impacted by the servant heart of two people who, already having busy schedules, have been willing to sacrifice for my family and I. In a day and age when the busyness of life never seems to slow down, I thank the Lord for these two men who love the Lord and care about others. I will not share their names here, but know that they are appreciated beyond words.

Please take time to this weekend to reflect not only on those who have reached out to help you, even in a small way, and take the time to reach out to someone as well. There is no greater way to demonstrate your love for the Lord than to obey His commands. Commands such as: love your neighbor as yourself, be kind to others, and much more.

Remember: Being Christ to the world is more about what we do Monday through Saturday than what we do on Sunday!

Have a Great day!!

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