Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Philippians 3:13-14 moment

Wow! I have, over the last 2 days, witnessed how quickly what we can hold onto can be taken down. The original building at the church was torn down and is now an empty area. What had been dreamt about, prayed about, planned, designed, built and used is now just a memory in picturess and video.

As I reflect on the lives, many of who I have never met, who were impacted by the ministry from within those walls, I am humbled and amazed. Watching the destruction of that building brought me to tears as I reflected on all that this church has stood for over the years. A building that was used by the Lord for 50 plus years to proclaim the gospel is now gone. What do we do now?

The same thing that this church and many like it have been doing, we go forward. We must strain toward what is ahead. We must "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus" [added]. God challenges us all that to be stuck in the past results in us being useless for the future. It is not wrong to remember the past, we just have to make sure that we don't dwell there.

Where are you? Are you stuck in the past? Do you focus on what your spiritual life use to be like? How on fire you were back then? Or are you pressing "on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of"? Make sure that you are not putting your confidence and hope in that which moth and rust will destroy!

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