Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sorry, been so long

Greetings from India. Sorry that it has been so long. Things have been really moving since we arrived. I have now taught the 7 Laws of the Teacher twice and preached twice using an interpreter. Today, Thursday, June 25th, we had 5 saved in VBS. PTL!!

The weather is hot, humid and right now it is raining. Hopefully the electricity will come back on before bedtime. That way the fans will keep the air moving.

Thank you for all your prayers. God is clearly working through us and in us while we are here. The group is really working well together. We have two more days of VBS (Friday and Saturday). I will be teaching on Friday and then preaching one time on Sunday.

We are headed toward home on Monday. We will spend a couple of days in Bangkok before we head home. It will be good to see my family and church. Not enough time to share here, but will at a later date. Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wow! I'm on my way!

Well, I'm on my way. I am presently in Bangkok, Thailand getting ready tonight to fly to Kolkata,India. The rest of the group is doing well, and we are excited about this opportunity. It is going to be hot, but that is tolerable. Our prayer is that no one gets sick!

It seemed like it would never get here and now, here it is. Thank you to all are praying. Your more of a blessing than you know.

I will do my best to update this blog as often as possible. Will probably not be everyday. Have a great day and God bless!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

400 and Counting

As I prepare to go to India I was informed that there are presently at least 400 children signed up for the Vacation Bible School that we will be holding while in India. That's right, 400 children. I am overwhelmed by that number. It will definitely be amazing to see so many children ready to hear the Word of God. A lot of planning has gone into this trip and I believe with all my heart that we will see many of these children come to realize their need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I covet your prayers not only for the group as we travel and minister but also for those of our families that will remain at home. Being gone for almost 3 weeks may not seem like a big deal. However, we all know that it is not necessarily the time but the distance.

To my wife I say thank you for your encouragement and support as I participate in this trip. You will constantly be in my thoughts and prayers. To my son, be a great boy for mommy and have a great time in all that you will be doing while I'm gone.

To my church family, pursue Christlikeness and be visionary. I love you all and am honored to be your pastor.

I will update my blog as often as is possible while I'm gone. Please return frequently to read updates. I will also do what I can to post pictures taken on my facebook page. Have a great day and remember: the greatest gift we can give to the Lord is ourselves!