Tuesday, June 9, 2009

400 and Counting

As I prepare to go to India I was informed that there are presently at least 400 children signed up for the Vacation Bible School that we will be holding while in India. That's right, 400 children. I am overwhelmed by that number. It will definitely be amazing to see so many children ready to hear the Word of God. A lot of planning has gone into this trip and I believe with all my heart that we will see many of these children come to realize their need of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I covet your prayers not only for the group as we travel and minister but also for those of our families that will remain at home. Being gone for almost 3 weeks may not seem like a big deal. However, we all know that it is not necessarily the time but the distance.

To my wife I say thank you for your encouragement and support as I participate in this trip. You will constantly be in my thoughts and prayers. To my son, be a great boy for mommy and have a great time in all that you will be doing while I'm gone.

To my church family, pursue Christlikeness and be visionary. I love you all and am honored to be your pastor.

I will update my blog as often as is possible while I'm gone. Please return frequently to read updates. I will also do what I can to post pictures taken on my facebook page. Have a great day and remember: the greatest gift we can give to the Lord is ourselves!

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