Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sorry, been so long

Greetings from India. Sorry that it has been so long. Things have been really moving since we arrived. I have now taught the 7 Laws of the Teacher twice and preached twice using an interpreter. Today, Thursday, June 25th, we had 5 saved in VBS. PTL!!

The weather is hot, humid and right now it is raining. Hopefully the electricity will come back on before bedtime. That way the fans will keep the air moving.

Thank you for all your prayers. God is clearly working through us and in us while we are here. The group is really working well together. We have two more days of VBS (Friday and Saturday). I will be teaching on Friday and then preaching one time on Sunday.

We are headed toward home on Monday. We will spend a couple of days in Bangkok before we head home. It will be good to see my family and church. Not enough time to share here, but will at a later date. Have a great day!

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