Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

H onor!
A nd glory! To God Who
L oved mankind so much that
L ong ago, His only Son
E ntered the world as God become man, to show this
L ove of God to and for
U s.
J esus Christ, Who
A lone can guarantee entrance into
H eaven.

C hristmas then should
H umble us as we
R ealize that this celebration
I s not just a sweet and simple
S tory about a little baby, who by some magic came
T o earth many years ago.

I nstead, it was the first step to the greatest
S acrifice ever made. And all who accept this fact

B ow their hearts and minds to the lovely
O ne Who thus became our Savior, Lord and King.
R ejoice! And again I say, rejoice! For
N ew life - eternal life - is now available for all who will accept it!

May this Christmas be the greatest ever for you! If you have not received the greatest gift, the gift of eternal life, then do so today! If you have, then spend time right now, thanking and praise God for that gift!

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