Friday, December 18, 2009


When you take the time to read the Christmas story this year, instead of turning to Luke 2, I encourage you to read John 1 instead.

Remind yourself that the real story of Christmas is so much more than just the baby in the manger. Remember that what happened when the Word became flesh is HUGE! The Christmas story is not just a nice bedtime story we tell once a year - it is an epic account of the Word who was in the beginning - without beginning stepping down into our world. It is the momentous occasion of the Light entering into the darkness.

What is the point of Christmas? It is glory. When the angels appeared over the fields that night to the shepherds they didn't sing "Jingle Bells", "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas", or even "Jesus Christ is Coming to Town." The first words they sang were "Glory to God". Don't miss the point that Christmas is all about God's glory, and don't forget that "God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in Him" (John Piper). If you took away all the presents, the activities, and even the family (and I love my family), would you still be 100% satisfied in Jesus? That is glory, and that is the real point of Christmas.

There is so much to celebrate in the Christmas story - so many miraculous elements to it. But what is the real miracle of Christmas? Is it the appearance of angels? Is it the star that guided the wise men? Is it the virgin birth? Is it God becoming a human being? These are all miracles to be sure, but don't see only the circumstances and miss the real miracle of Christmas - love. John 3 says that "God so loved the world that He sent His only Son..." The miracle is that Jesus did not have to come. God did not have to make a way for us. We did not deserve Heaven's perfect One, but nevertheless God's love prevailed. That is the real miracle of Christmas.

Please take a moment to push the pause button on your busy lives this Christmas season and spend some time with Jesus, remembering what's real this Christmas.

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