Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Pastoral Challenge

Over the last several days, I have been bombarded by Scripture as it relates to my role and responsibility as an shepherd to a flock of believers. It is now time for me to begin taking what I have been challenged with and instituting it not only in my personal walk with the Lord but also in my role as a pastor. The influence of the Holy Spirit is crucial to the effectiveness of all that I believe God wants me to do.

There is so much to say, and yet I am still coming to grips with much of it. However, let me say that in the weeks and months to come, I believe that God is leading me to, not necessarily make sweeping changes, but to systematically, in my own life, become in ALL areas what God wants the church to be like.

Ultimately, it must be my goal to become as Christ-like as possible so that I lead not only through the preaching and teaching of God's Word, but also through my personal and public life. Basically, I must strive to be an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ so that others see what is expected of them and that it is possible through Jesus Christ.

Is it going to be easy? NO. Will there be bumps in the road? YES. Yet, when I do it for the Lord, then it will be His strength I am seeking and using, not my own. And that will result in God receiving the glory, not myself.

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