Friday, October 9, 2009

Are you kidding?

We have all heard them. In response to our asking for help or for someones participation, we have heard them and then are amazed that people actually think we believe them. What am I talking about? Excuses. The reason why help or participation is not going to happen. Now don't get me wrong. There are times when the excuse is legitimate. However, I don't believe the percentage is very high.

We have heard things like, "I am too busy," "That's not really what I am good at," "well...uhm... well..." And to think that we are all guilty of this at some point in our lifetime.

What I want to challenge you with today is this: Do you really believe that God accepts your excuse? Whether it is for not coming to church, not participating in church activities, or serving Him, do you really think that God hears and knows your excuse and says, "Ok. I understand"?

This coming Sunday I am starting a series through the book of Jonah. He definitely gives us some great indicators of the need of "Returning to God." Take the time to consider what indicator from the life of Jonah applies to you. If you are not at church to hear the message and would like a copy, contact the church from our website at

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