Friday, October 30, 2009

God's Workmanship

Ephesians 2:10 says "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (NIV).

An amazing verse that many of us are familiar with. And yet, I believe the most important word in that verse is not "God," "workmanship," or even "created." I believe the most important word in that verse is found with only three letters. It is the word "are." May not be flashy or mind-blowing, but it sure does bring comfort, strength, and even confidence to those who are His!

Just think, at this very moment, God is working in you to make you what He wants you to be! He is using the events, issues and circumstances in your life to prepare you for the future. A future that could be literally seconds away!

How would you answer the following: Describe God in one word. Amazing. Love. Kind. Forgiving. Father. Wonderful. Truth. The list could go on forever. After this past week I would have to answer: worker! Probably not what you expected. However, as I have seen the work of God in people's lives it brings me to tears!

God is constantly loving, forgiving, meeting needs AND working: healing, comforting, saving, answering prayer, etc. God is doing amazing, wonderful things in people's lives every day. It is time that we start reflecting on the positive in our lives and the lives of others rather than on the negative.

Besides, God is working in our lives at this very moment for His "work" for us. He has something He wants you to do. Are you ready? No. Why? God is still working!

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