Friday, September 17, 2010

Why a Complacent Church?

Over the last several weeks, I have been burdened for the church. There seems to be a complacency that has found its way into the lives and hearts of many Christians in our country. The reasons are probably too numerous to share, as a result of everyone have their own opinion as to why. As I have prayed about this, I have been challenged in my own life about my "passion" for the Lord and all that He is.

As a result of this, I have decided to preach a series that I have entitled "Rekindling our Passion." It begins this coming Sunday, September 19th. For at least the next 5 weeks, I will be preaching from passages that will challenge our thinking and living in regards to our anemic Christianity. My plan is to post each message following each worship service. That way, if you miss it, or are unable to attend, you can review it for yourself.

Do I have all the answers? NO! Is this going to change the universal church? NO! Will it change our church? Only God knows. But I do know that it won't change any church until we, as individuals are changed first! It may be extremely simple and overstated but revIval doesn't start until it starts in "I"!

Talk to you again soon!

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