Friday, September 3, 2010


Wow, it has been an amazing couple of weeks. So as not to put you to sleep with the WHOLE story, let's just say, that God is AWESOME. And not only is He that, but He over and over has shown me His providence, sovereignty and overwhelming love for me.

In Proverbs 3:5-6, we find some verses that many of us memorized as children. However, sometimes it's not until we are older until we truly comprehend the words we find there. God has clearly shown Himself trustworthy over and over again.

I have seen that despite thinking that what I was doing was good, it was not the best. And God, through giving Him the situation, revealed to me beyond what my imagination could come up with. After having been dealt a negative blow, God provided an over-abundance of support, love and help. So much so, that words really don't begin to grasp what I have experienced over the last couple of weeks.

I realize that this is all so vague. But I truly believe that even if you don't know my situation exactly, you can understand exactly what I am saying. May God's Word have a powerful impact on your life today. ALLOW His word to confront your life with truth and be willing to conform to its standard.

"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart." - Yeh, it is easy to say; not so easy to do. But when you do, hold on tight because the ride will be AWESOME!

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